Posted: 21.02.2024 12:45:28

7 popular ways to remove Venus neck rings

Most experts agree that it is not entirely correct to call Venus rings wrinkles. A wrinkle is a fold on the skin that forms either as a result of facial expressions or in the process of skin ageing under the influence of various external factors, although, Venus rings can be found on the necks of children and adolescents, among others.


“The reason for this is the structural peculiarities of the platysma, a neck muscle. It starts from the corners of the mouth, goes around the lower jaw and weaves into the pectoralis major muscle of the chest. Thus, Venus rings are transverse folds or creases on the neck, appearing due to a number of physiological features at a young age and worsen over time,” explains cosmetologist Marina Tsedrik.

In addition to the age-related cause, there are a number of other factors that influence the appearance of Venus rings: genetics, posture, gadget addiction, weightlifting, scars of various origins, sleeping on the stomach, hormonal imbalance, dental problems, increased subcutaneous fat (weight gain), peculiarities of the hyoid bone location and improper skin care.

How to remove Venus rings from the neck? Marina Tsedrik names seven popular methods:

  1. using high-quality cosmetics containing collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, niacinamide (nicotinic acid) and SPF;

  2. using injection techniques (collagen-stimulating, filling the rings with hyaluronic acid-based fillers, botulinum toxin);

  3. using hardware techniques (fractional microneedle lifting, laser techniques);

  4. thread lifting;

  5. massage and gymnastics for prevention (at an early age);

  6. taping and bandaging for prevention (at an early age);

  7. surgical techniques if indicated.