Posted: 21.05.2024 14:54:00

20+ decisions made by SCO foreign ministers in Astana

The participants of the SCO Foreign Ministers Council approved more than 20 documents at today’s meeting in Astana, TASS reports with reference to the Secretary General of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, Zhang Ming


The SCO Secretary General noted, “As a result of the meeting, 22 decisions were made regarding multilateral co-operation in the political, diplomatic, trade, cultural and humanitarian spheres. The report of the SCO Secretary General on the work of the Secretariat from May 2023 to May 2024 was approved."

Zhang Ming added that, since July last year when Kazakhstan assumed the SCO chairmanship, Astana has organised more than 180 events in various directions, and a special emphasis was placed on the economic, investment, transport, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

"In our opinion, Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the organisation has turned out to be very meaningful and interesting. I am confident that with the support of the SCO member states, the Astana Summit will be successful and will give a new impetus to the organisation, also becoming another important milestone in its development," the SCO Secretary General said.

Zhang Ming stressed that Belarus’ Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik had for the first time attended the SCO Foreign Ministers Council.