Posted: 10.01.2022 10:47:00

Belarusian peacekeepers protecting military airfield in Kazakhstan

The Belarusian peacekeeping contingent is carrying out the task of protecting the military airfield of Kazakhstan, the Deputy Commander of Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Belarus, Sergei Andreyev, told Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA informs


“In accordance with the adopted decision, the peacekeeping contingent from Belarus arrived on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the transport of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation. The redeployment took place as planned. They arrived on time, without violations or delays. Upon their arrival, the servicemen were provided with normal accommodation and food. They took under protection the designated objects and are fulfilling their tasks as intended,” said Sergei Andreev.

A trained peacekeeping company from the 103rd Airborne Vitebsk Brigade of Special Operations Forces has been sent to Kazakhstan from Belarus.

“At the moment, the peacekeeping contingent of Belarus is performing the task of protecting and defending the military airfield,” he added.