Posted: 16.12.2024 15:52:54

Media: no US security guarantees for Ukraine under Trump

The New York Times wrote that US President elect Donald Trump will never acquiesce to demands for security guarantees from the United States Ukraine is now making in lieu of NATO membership requests, TASS reports

As the American paper believes, Trump ‘seeks not only to end the war without making any promise to protect Ukraine, but also to reduce America’s security commitments in Europe in general’ and is, therefore, ‘unlikely to sign off on any such arrangement’. In the end, Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s hope of joining the North Atlantic Alliance ‘will probably remain unfulfilled’, The New York Times states.

The article goes on to suggest that the American military under Trump ‘will increasingly be directed toward the Asia-Pacific to counter China’. Therefore, it would be ‘prudent to anticipate a reduced American military role in Europe’ which will require Europeans to carry a larger share of the burden for protecting Ukraine.