Posted: 03.07.2024 12:36:00

Lukashenko: parade shows our readiness to stand in line today to protect historical memory

Belarus strengthens and develops its Armed Forces and improves the military organisation of the state for the sake of peace – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko at a military parade in honour of the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazi invaders

“Our people should know and see that everything and even more is being done so that the army, as well as the territorial defence forces and the people’s militia, are ready to defend the country,” the Commander-in-Chief said. “And you know they’re ready! We talk a lot about weapons, armaments, ammunition, but the main thing is our people. As soon as they felt the aggravation of the situation on our southern borders, military enlistment offices and units, our military and generals immediately received thousands of calls from ordinary people, asking to take them into the army and give them weapons in order to defend their Homeland. No need. Work quietly. We have a lot of work ahead of us. And we, people in uniform, are able today to protect and prevent any provocation on the state borders of the country.”

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According to the Head of State, Belarus has the most modern weapons and equipment.

“We’re actively developing the defence sector of our economy. We’re creating domestic missile systems, small arms, artillery shells, unmanned aerial vehicles, communications and automation equipment: everything that is needed for modern warfare. We’ll demonstrate you a lot today,” the President added.

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Aleksandr Lukashenko repeated that people are our main strength, “These are soldiers and officers, heroes of our time, who are already demonstrating courage and fortitude. Our parade is a recognition of the professionalism and dedication to duty of the military, border guards, fighters and special services officers who do everything to prevent provocations from unfriendly countries from escalating into a full-scale military conflict.”

According to the Head of State, less than 5 percent of representatives of Belarus’ Armed Forces are taking part in today’s parade; all the others are at a combat post.

“We’re immensely grateful to them. We know how difficult it is. We know how hard it is. However, no one else will complete this task. That’s what we’re designed for. The Belarusian people fed and nurtured us for this,” the Belarusian leader stressed.


Aleksandr Lukashenko particularly underlined that the parade shows the strength of Belarus-Russia Union State strategic partnership, interaction with the CSTO member states, and military co-operation with the People’s Republic of China.

“This is a sign of our readiness to stand in line today to protect historical memory, values, and our sovereignties,” the Head of State accentuated.

The President stressed that we are all united by the Great Victory over the common enemy: the countries of the Hitler alliance.

“It teaches us to protect the world by any means of deterrence. The inspection of the joint regional group of troops of Belarus and Russia, the first training of non-strategic nuclear forces for our country, showed that the level of defence capability of our Union State is as high as ever. This guarantees that our voice – the voice of our allies and partners in defence of a multipolar and just world – will be heard. Our parade will go to a peaceful future. This is our goal. Therefore, young people are in the same formation with the defenders of the Fatherland, and next to military hardware is the equipment for peaceful life. The winners bequeathed to us to live and build a future for new generations. We will not let them down. We have no right!” Aleksandr Lukashenko concluded.

Addressing the veterans, Aleksandr Lukashenko said, “You have taught us to love, protect and cherish our Homeland. We are building our future today, relying on your mighty shoulders. Understanding the burden of trials you have lifted and endured gives us the strength and courage to face the new challenges of the time. There is no other way! The time has chosen us, and we’ll succeed.”

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The President noted that our generation has a mission to preserve peace in their native land, “The peace that was given to us eighty years ago by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We’ll be worthy of their immortal feat. On this sacred day for each of us, I wish everyone happiness, peace and prosperity. Glory to the Belarusian people, who defended their right to be sovereign and independent! Eternal glory to the Soviet soldiers who fell in battle with the enemy and gave their lives for our freedom! Honour and glory to the valiant defenders of the Fatherland! I congratulate everyone on the holiday: Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Motherland. Hurray!”