Exhibition defaming Poland opened in EP
Polish activists organised a photo exhibition in the European Parliament entitled Displacements Are Illegal, Help Is Legal to show the suffering of refugees in the Polish forests — as reported by the State Border Committee of Belarus
Photo exhibition in European ParliamentVolunteers and humanitarian organisations in Poland seek to show through photographs the violation of law and human rights at the Polish border, to demonstrate the consequences of the EU migration policy to the public and to draw the attention of human rights defenders to the suffering and death of refugees. The photo exposition displays large-format images depicting the gloomy atmosphere of the border forest, where exhausted and doomed to torment people are being illegally treated daily.
BELTA’s Boundary Between Life and Death photo exhibition
“The photos show how human rights are violated on the Polish-Belarusian border, how people from countries such as Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan or the Congo are deprived of the right to seek protection, how cruelly they are treated, sentenced together with children, pregnant women and disabled to wander in the winter, swampy forest,” said the organiser of the exhibition, Janina Ochojska, who is also the founder and president of Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), a leading NGO, that has been involved in helping migrants at the border.
The opening was also attended by those who suffered from the actions of the Polish security forces. Refugees who were lucky to stay alive and receive help from volunteers, recall that the Polish military ‘did not give water, did not hear pleas for asylum, separated families, and took people to the barbed wire in wet clothes’.
The State Border Committee of Belarus recalled that a similar photo exhibition — The Boundary Between Life and Death — was opened in Belarus and is proof of the violence and lawlessness of the security forces of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia against vulnerable people seeking protection in Europe.
Based on the materials of www.belta.by