Posted: 17.02.2022 14:18:00

China against NATO’s expansion

The Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the European Union opposes NATO’s expansion and views its efforts that allegedly aim to ensure global security as useless, according to a statement published on the mission’s website

“Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, NATO continues to expand its geographical scope and the range of operations and engages in bloc politics and confrontation. This is not conducive to global security and stability,” emphasised the statement.
“We call on NATO to abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, respect the sovereignty, security, interests as well as the diversity of civilisations, history and culture of other countries,” continues the document.
It noted that ‘NATO is a Cold War remnant’, adding that ‘China believes that regional security should not be guaranteed by strengthening or expanding military blocs’. According to the statement, NATO should ‘do more to increase mutual trust among countries and maintain regional peace and stability’.
Before that, at a press conference in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that a joint statement issued by China and Russia following the Beijing meeting of the two leaders should be viewed as an attempt to deny sovereign nations the right to make their own choices, stressing that the alliance’s doors remained open.

Based on the materials of