Posted: 06.02.2024 16:14:00

Belarusians can offer construction of farms and corn growing technologies to S. Sudan

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of South Sudan, Lily Albino Akol, noted at today’s meeting at Belarus’ Agriculture and Food Ministry that her country leads in cattle per capita in Africa and can offer good opportunities for farm construction, also raising another important issue

“We are now looking for opportunities to increase sorghum and corn harvests,” the South Sudan official noted. “These crops are the basis of our food security, and we would like to develop their production technologies. In addition, we have a sugar cane processing industry.”

In turn, the Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning of South Sudan, Agok Makur Kur, added that his country is interested in different type of agricultural equipment – to get good harvest and then produce oils from soybeans, sunflower and cotton.

"Coffee used to be a driver in our agriculture, we need to revive the industry," he added. “Tea also has great potential, as does the jute cultivation industry. Cotton is a key crop for the light industry. We produce clothing and oils in our country, and this production depends on agriculture. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots and tomatoes) and fruits (oranges and mangoes) grow in six zones. We would like to promote the idea of establishing a tractor assembly facility. The thousand tractors that we received from Belarus ten years ago have been used in all climatic zones. In addition to tractors, we also need components – such as ploughs, attachments, and trailers.”

Belarus’ First Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister, Sergei Fedchenko, noted that the countries have a lot of points of contact, “Belarus produces a wide range of equipment that is used in soil treatment, and it is of fairly high quality. We have no competence in rice cultivation, but we grow corn and produce its seeds, so we can offer them as well.”