Posted: 20.05.2024 16:00:00

Belarus, China discussed prospects for joint scientific research

Belarus’ Consul General in Shanghai Andrei Andreyev and Vice Consul Olga Krivets have visited Zhejiang Shuren University in China’s Hangzhou, reports with reference to the official website of the Belarusian diplomatic mission in Shanghai


The meeting between Andrei Andreyev and Party Committee Secretary Zhang Qing and university leaders tackled the issues of conducting current and prospective joint research by Chinese scientists with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Polotsk State University, and other Belarusian scientific and educational institutions.

Special attention was paid to the development of a joint laboratory in the Great Stone Industrial Park, the co-operation of Chinese experts with the Minsk Scientific and Practical Centre for Surgery, Transplantation and Haematology, as well as preparations for the Belarusian-Chinese Youth Forum in Belarus.

Joint activities, including the broad participation of Belarusian scientists, researchers and journalists in joint events planned in China for 2024, were discussed with the heads of the centres for Belarusian studies at Chinese universities in Hangzhou and Shanghai, Wang Xianju and Bei Wenli.

During the talks with the Chinese leaders, Belarus’ Consul General noted the high potential and importance of research, expert and educational interaction between Belarus and China for the sustainable socio-economic development of our countries amid global political instability, unfair sanctions and restrictions.

The Belarusian diplomats took part in the grand opening of a philatelic exhibition in the main hall of Zhejiang University based on the collection of the first head of China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Company Hu Zheng, collected by him during his work in Belarus from 2015 to 2019. A significant part of the Belarusian stamps in Hu Zheng’s collection is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War victory and the partisan movement on Belarus’ territory during this period.