Posted: 20.05.2024 16:16:00

State Border Committee: Polish security forces threw five beaten refugees into Belarusian territory

Belarusian border guards found five beaten Somali citizens, including one 17-year-old girls and four men aged 27-29, on the border with Poland on May 17th. The servicemen provided first aid to the foreigners, called an ambulance and an investigative task force, reports with reference to the State Border Committee’s Telegram channel.

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The doctors who arrived at the scene diagnosed the refugees with leg injuries and abrasions. Three Somalis were taken to the hospital, the rest were interrogated by the Kamenets investigators.

According to the foreigners, they were detained in Poland. The Somalis asked for an asylum, but the Polish security forces responded with numerous strikes and the use of special means. The beaten people were then brutally pushed through a gate in the fence into the Belarusian territory.

"Poland's migration policy, which has led to the death of four foreigners since the beginning of the year alone, continues to maim people in need of protection and asylum," the State Border Committee noted, adding that, since 2021, fifty-four foreigners have died on the EU border, 25 on the border with Poland, 9 – with Lithuania, and 20 – with Latvia.