Posted: 21.05.2024 14:39:00

Lukashenko instructed to finalise draft decree on improving control and supervisory activities by August

At today’s meeting focusing on control and supervisory activities, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed to finalise the relevant draft decree by August – as noted by Chairman of Belarus’ State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov after the session


In particular, he stressed that the draft decree should not be viewed as a weakening of control and supervisory activities, “It contains provisions aimed at both strengthening this activity and ordering it. For example, some subjects started to use a two-year moratorium on inspection. Therefore, with the adoption of the decree, if it is clear that the subject violates the law, then it is permissible to conduct an inspection. As far as pricing issues are concerned, the executive committees are obliged to provide a range of goods, but they do not have any levers for this. Accordingly, there must be some authority for them.”

According to Mr. Gerasimov, some of the provisions are suggested by time itself. In particular, electric transport is actively developing in the country, but there is no such sphere of control.

“As for the ordering, it is less about inspections. Order has been restored here, and no facts of illegal inspections or illegal suspension of the activities of business entities have been revealed. This primarily applies to monitoring and technical measures. The same rules as for inspections are being introduced for these two measures,” the State Control Committee Chairman noted.

After today’s discussion, the Head of State decided that the Government, together with the governors, should finalise this draft decree by August, “These will no longer be point changes, but provisions in a new edition. Afterwards, the draft will be submitted to the State Control Committee and reviewed by the President.