Posted: 17.05.2024 14:29:00

Austrian politician said peace initiatives more important than commitments to support Kiev

Peace talks on a settlement in Ukraine are more important than the measures proposed by Brussels to provide long-term support to Kiev – as noted by an Austrian politician and member of the National Council for the Freedom Party of Austria Petra Steger, TASS reports


Ms. Steger noted that the European Union is ‘constantly pouring billions into Ukraine’. According to her, the stipulated obligations to ensure security ‘threaten with new troubles’.

“According to the draft agreement, the European Union undertakes not only to supply additional lethal and non-lethal weapons, but also to provide Kiev with large-scale support in reconstruction. In February 2023, the World Bank estimated the cost of reconstruction alone at a staggering $411bn. By now, this sum has most likely already grown significantly, so many citizens are quite rightly wondering how the EU intends to collect these utopian amounts,” Ms. Steger said in a statement.

It is underlined that measures to support Kiev at the expense of the European Union ‘contribute to long-term support’ of the hostilities and ‘lose sight’ of the goal of an early settlement via peaceful talks.

“Peace initiatives are more important than further payments worth billions and EU commitments to ensure Ukraine’s security,” the MP added.