Posted: 17.05.2024 11:16:00

Children from Donbass warmly welcomed in Belarusian Gomel for rehabilitation

Ten 10-17-year-olds and their parents from Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics were warmly welcomed at the railway station in Gomel. These are the boys and girls who not just live in war conditions, but who have suffered from mine explosions and are disabled now.

As part of the first rehabilitation programme of the Aleksei Talai Charitable Foundation, the youngsters will undergo rehabilitation at the Dubrovenka Health Centre in the Mogilev Region.

“In addition to the medical procedures, the children will have a rich excursion and entertainment programme – including meetings with Paralympic sports coaches, creative workshops, and participation in the May festivities. It is important that we will continue to accompany these boys and girls, help them in getting education, starting a family and having children, and, if desired, launching their own business. We want to motivate them by this trip, give them a chance to get acquainted with various professions, and generate an interest in focusing on the successes, despite their disabilities," Yulia Malova, a representative of the Aleksei Talai Charitable Foundation in Gomel and the region, explained.

Representatives of the foundation and public organisations of the Gomel Region greeted the guests from Donbass with bread and salt, prepared a concert for them and presented gifts. In turn, the children and their parents responded with smiles and good mood.

The special rehabilitation programme of the Aleksei Talai Charitable Foundation is being implemented with the support of Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova and Speaker of Russia’s Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.
