Posted: 16.05.2024 13:17:00

Azerbaijan pleased with close co-operation with Belarus in architecture and construction

Azerbaijan is pleased with close liaisons with Belarus in the field of architecture and construction – as noted during today’s meeting between Belarus’ Architecture and Construction Minister Ruslan Parkhamovich and Chairman of Azerbaijan’s State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture Anar Guliyev, reports with reference to the Belarusian Architecture and Construction Ministry’s Telegram channel

Photo: Telegram channel of Belarus' Architecture and Construction Ministry

Ruslan Parkhamovich shared information about reforms and innovations implemented in Belarus’ construction sector in recent years.

Anar Guliyev, in turn, welcomed close liaisons and experience sharing between institutions in the field of urban planning, architecture and construction – established thanks to the memorandum of intent to intensify co-operation between the Architecture and Construction Ministry of Belarus and Azerbaijan’s State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture.

The meeting participants also discussed opportunities for expanding interaction and relationships in urban planning, public administration, settlement design and construction in both countries.