Posted: 20.05.2024 14:40:00

Lukashenko demands from KGB to resolutely suppress activities of foreign intelligence services in Belarus

When making personnel decisions in the structure of state security agencies today, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, demanded from the State Security Committee (KGB) to resolutely suppress the activities of foreign intelligence services in the country

In particular, the President stressed, “I think that today’s appointments (at least, I demand this from the chair) will contribute to strengthening our special service: the State Security Committee. You are aware of everything that is happening around us. You know this as well as I do. Our neighbours – Poles, Lithuanians and Latvians – respond in the opposite way to the neighbourly policy that we have proposed to them, taking into account the visa-free regime. We also see an attempt, in addition to the information war, to impose a war of sabotage groups on us. We have also been noting this recently and are fighting against it. We see that they are preparing various kinds of armed detachments and almost regiments – as they call them – in order to carry out an invasion into Belarus’ territory. A lot has been already said about this. I’m not even talking about sanctions – this is actually an economic sabotage and a war against Belarus.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that our enemies act in violation of all international treaties and agreements, “They have obligations to us as a landlocked country. They have no right to block us. Nevertheless, you know what’s going on. Therefore, we – or rather you, our state – need to reveal all sorts of negative trends in relation to our state in time. It is necessary to supress very decisively the activities of foreign special services on the territory of Belarus.”

The Head of State drew special attention to another serious area of activity, “A very important task that I would like to ask you about – this is the main reason for inviting you here in connection with your appointment – deals with the issues of preventing corruption and protection racketeering in our country by the bodies under your control. You are in charge of counterintelligence support for both control bodies and law enforcement agencies. You must take appropriate measures and inform me if suddenly someone has a desire to expand their, so to speak, corrupt activities on the territory of Belarus.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko accentuated a fundamental point, noting that such activities in our country are absolutely unacceptable, “We shouldn’t have such hidden protection racketeering, as is customary in other countries. We often see films on this topic on television. We shouldn’t have that. If it exists, it will hit our people very seriously. There shouldn’t be such wild things in Belarus as ‘I will help you, you will give me something for this’.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he had repeatedly paid special attention of the KGB leadership at this point, “I have told the chair about this several times, focusing him on the fact that when we are engaged in intelligence and counterintelligence, we shouldn’t forget that we have our own internal problems that we must counteract. I pin big hopes on our security officers that at least I will be informed on certain issues in time. Where necessary, you will take appropriate measures yourself. Therefore, when appointing you to the position today, I would like to ask you and require you to work in this direction.”
