Posted: 23.09.2024 14:04:00

UN Special Rapporteur presented online platform for monitoring and assessing the impact of unilateral sanctions

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures on the Enjoyment of Human Rights, Yelena Dovgan, presented an online platform for monitoring and assessing the humanitarian consequences of unilateral coercive measures during the 57th session of the Human Rights Council


The innovative tool has already been launched, and it is functioning. With the help of information posted on the online platform, it will be possible to observe how humanitarian indicators change annually compared to the data that countries subjected to sanctions pressure demonstrated before the introduction of unilateral sanctions. The service also makes it possible to visualise how the strengthening or weakening of sanctions pressure affects the situation.

“The tool for monitoring and assessing the impact is unique,” Ms. Dovgan said. “Due to political differences between states, reliable monitoring and assessment data can only be obtained with the help of the United Nations in order to collect information on specific indicators from all relevant sources based on the principles of comprehensiveness, impartiality, transparency and verification.”

According to the Special Rapporteur, the project pursues exclusively humanitarian goals and currently covers only states that are directly subject to unilateral sanctions. “In the longer term, it is expected to assess the impact of unilateral coercive measures, the means of their application and excessive compliance on all states, since even countries imposing sanctions suffer from their own measures," she added.

Ms. Dovgan urged, “States, international and regional organisations, national human rights institutions, civil society, academia and others should support the initiative and provide the information they have." This can be done on the platform directly.