Posted: 23.09.2024 16:17:00

State Border Committee: citizens of Germany, Estonia shown greatest interest in using visa-free regime to visit Belarus over past two months

In two months, about 6,000 citizens of 35 European countries have visited Belarus, using the recently updated visa-free entry procedure, reports with reference to the Telegram channel of the State Border Committee

According to the source, the greatest number of tourists arrived from Germany and Estonia over the past two months: 2,333 and 1,193 people from the total number of arrivals, respectively.

The State Border Committee informed that the top five countries whose citizens more often come to Belarus without visas also include Italy (379 tourists), the United Kingdom (218), and France (220).

Belarus’ visa-free entry enjoys popularity among the country’s neighbours as well: since the beginning of this year, 14,633 Latvians, 67,032 Lithuanians, and 32,418 Poles have arrived in Belarus.

In total, 967,439 residents of European countries have visited the republic since April 15th, 2022.