Posted: 19.07.2023 14:50:00

Shved on Lithuanian Nazi ‘border guards’ and their victims

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Belarus opened a criminal case against officials of Lithuania, who still commit crimes against humanity – as noted by Belarus’ Prosecutor General Andrei Shved in his talk with the Belarus 1 TV channel

“We, and this was reported to the Head of State, have initiated a criminal case against Lithuanian officials, who still commit crimes against humanity. This refers to the fact that over the past two years they have been killing, torturing, and tormenting migrants. How cynically they say that they ‘expelled’, ‘deported’, and ‘ousted’. Actually, they killed and threw away dead bodies. In fact, they beat, crippled and threw unconscious into the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Ten dead and thirty crippled migrants in the last few years alone! Doesn’t this fit into the Nazi ideology that dominated and was used by those criminals during the Great Patriotic War who exterminated civilians here?”

Answering that, by and large, there is no difference between the Nazis of the 20th century and modern ones, Andrei Shved added, “It’s necessary to know history, understand the horrors that happened then, which is why we raise the alarm, enabling our children to understand the essence of modern Nazis. Returning to the actions of the Lithuanian authorities with their cynicism and disregard for any morality and law, today we are working together with our television and radio company. We are creating a film in which we will show uncut all the sadism, all the cynicism and all the cruelty of the Lithuanian, let’s call them so, ‘border guards’. Let people say for themselves who they really are. This film will be translated into English and exhibited in all possible venues so that people themselves evaluate the actions of modern Lithuanian Nazis who act in this way. And this was also reported to the Head of State.”