Posted: 26.09.2024 14:54:00

Lukashenko to local authorities: pay attention to restoration of districts and make better than it was

All necessary infrastructure in the districts must be restored and preserved – as stated today by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko when making a number of personnel decisions


Co-ordinating the appointment of heads of local executive and regulatory bodies, the Head of State said that the day before he had discussed the state of affairs in one of the districts with the country’s top officials. In particular, after the President’s instructions to restore the work of the district agricultural service, to keep under control the issues of providing spare parts and fuel, local authorities ‘are selling out everything’, “They divide and sell in pieces. What will be there after that?.. In no way should we sell out! We need to restore all the infrastructure that was once in the district, it will be useful to us.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko explained why this is extremely important and what such infrastructure provides. So, the former district agricultural machinery maintenance services (current district agricultural services) are involved in the repair of energy-intensive equipment, provision of fuel and spare parts, maintenance of milking machines, and drilling wells. The President also touched upon the issue of the work of mobile mechanical brigades, road maintenance and construction departments, departments for the sale and distribution of mineral and chemical fertilisers in the districts: these organisations should work. Animal feed mills should also be preserved in the regions; they cannot be lost.

“All this needs to be restored, in no case should this be sold out or destroyed, no matter what the cost! The task has already been set. This is already the basis. Pay attention to the restoration of the districts and make it better than it once was… The market is a market, but it is not allowed to destroy infrastructure,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

Addressing the new heads, the President set the task, “You, should come as masters, look around and start working! There is no need to break anything, to crumble, it is necessary to restore.”

The Head of State also demanded to restore order in the fields, in particular, to settle issues with untilled lands, put farm and household plots in order and ensure a high culture of farming everywhere.