Posted: 27.09.2024 12:06:00

Lukashenko revealed reason for his meetings with students

During the Open Microphone with the President session, Aleksandr Lukashenko voiced the most important question, the answer to which he would like to receive during his meeting with the youth. University students of engineering and technical specialities have been invited to the event at BSUIR.

The Head of State admitted that he came to the meeting in order to see them, understand, form his own opinion, and find an answer to the ‘most important question for today’, “Who will continue our modern history? Who will continue the history of sovereign Belarus? I’m talking about this honestly and frankly.”

The Belarusian leader said that his morning usually begins with an overview of the socio-political situation in the country and the world, “Now we are all reading about the US election campaign. And I think: why the whole world is watching this? Yes, this is an important country, and the further development of the global relations also depends on it. But mostly because American authorities turned the political process into an exciting show.”

The President underlined that modern politicians, experts, and analysts of the constructive world majority are forced to talk about the real situation, repeating the same thing: ‘the world is on the verge of a new world war’.

“I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m saying this so that we don’t get distracted, do not relax, but focus on national interests. I often mention that Belarus is a piece of land. This is not from the territorial point of view. It’s about the fact that the world is huge, and no one needs us but us. Trust my experience. However, if we look at Belarus from the point of view of the geopolitical interests of other countries, we will see a different picture. Just think: in terms of territory, Belarus is comparable to six countries such as Belgium, five states such as the Netherlands, more than two and half countries such as Austria or the Czech Republic. Roughly speaking, we can accommodate peoples of the entire Baltic States and Moldova. Moreover, we can place, and provide them with food and clothes.”

According to the Head of State, we have forests, swamps — the lungs of Europe – cultivated fields, and water; these are resources that will be worth their weight in gold in the future, because not every European country has such a reserve and not everyone takes care of it like we do. He also cited the following facts: during WWI, Germany did not hesitate to rob us, and after the partition of Belarus in 1921 Poland did the same. Peat, timber, and food were brazenly exported from the territory of our country via narrow-gauge railways, while Belarusians were starving.

“However, the main thing is that we are on the way to Russia which is unprecedentedly and – in the opinion of Western countries – unfairly rich in these and other resources. And further on we can stop discussing the topic of political and sanctions attacks by the collective West against Belarus and Russia,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.
