Posted: 18.08.2024 13:19:00

Lukashenko on reliable defence line in case of attack on Belarus from the West: we are waiting for them

Belarus has created a reliable defensive line that will stop the enemy's advance if Belarus is attacked from the western direction – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko in an interview with Rossiya TV channel, BelTA reports


The Head of State was asked about ensuring military security on the western borders against the background of an increased military presence in the southern part of the country, near Ukraine. "Ten tactical battalion groups of NATO are stationed near your western border, and there is no information about their plans,” the interviewer noted.

"We are waiting for them. It will be easier for us there. We have defensive lines created from Brest to Grodno, and further there. The Lithuanian and Polish borders are practically closed on favourable terms for us. We are also learning from this Ukrainian-Russian special military operation. We see where it is necessary to deploy [troops and defensive lines],” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “I will not voice their number, but there are enough to shield the entire border. This is not the ‘Stalin Line’ [a system of fortified areas along the old western border of the USSR until 1939], but modern defensive points where our guys train. Every mobilised serviceman should know where he should come and in which direction to shoot."

The Head of State recalled that he had visited one of such points and personally got acquainted with the situation. "Everything around is kept a bead on in the Brest Region, and the city of Brest is visible. It is possible to approach and break through the border, but there is no way further. Anyone is clearly visible, as our points are located on hills, and training continues there. Therefore, we do not weaken our pressure and defence there," he emphasised.

The President of Belarus also stressed that, together with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, they have been planning to defend the western direction for several years. "We have defensive plans, and – if necessary – they can be transformed into offensive ones. Therefore, they should not get mad and be happy, allegedly because ‘we are lying on the floor with Putin, and they have kneeled on our chests and crushed us’. This is not the case,” the Belarusian leader said. “We see where the most serious blow can come from at our union and our joint grouping. Therefore, we are not weakening anything in the west. Moreover, we have strengthened the army with serious weapons. As you know, these are Russian ones – both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons."

For example, at the Independence Day parade, Iskander missile systems were demonstrated, they are prepared for strikes with tactical nuclear weapons.