Posted: 27.09.2024 12:33:00

Lukashenko on import substitution and development of Belarus-made mobile phones: sanctions gave us a boost

Western sanctions have given Belarusians a boost, inspiring them to progress faster – as stated by President Aleksandr Lukashenko during his today’s meeting with students of universities specialising in engineering and technical subjects


Aleksandr Lukashenko reminded that Belarus is an export-oriented country, and its economy is open, “Therefore, we are being strangled with sanctions, we are being forced to look for new sales markets and suppliers of components, the production of which we have not yet mastered. We actually manage to find them. We know that all difficulties are temporary. This is a time of opportunity. It is impossible to restrict the transfer of technologies or products on global scales, it is just unrealistic. Moreover, the sanctions have given us a boost, they have forced us to move forward and be active.”

As noted by the Head of State, the design bureaus of Belarus’ large enterprises, the Academy of Sciences and universities are actively engaged in import substitution. “That's right, and we simply have no other way out if we want to survive. If we do not learn how to make components for our products, then no one will need the latter.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko added that Belarus can now boast its own modern buses and electric buses. The country produces and sells passenger cars, tractors and combines, and the quality of Belarus-made equipment is no worse than of the best imported samples. “We have achievements in microelectronics. Our country is developing, and our people are developing. We will also produce our own mobile phone. We must do this, since gadgets have been turned into military weapons at present. This is already a matter of national security,” the President noted.

The Belarusian leader stated that Western sanctions had been allegedly imposed against the ‘dictator’, but they are actually aimed against ordinary Belarusians. “This is fascism. In turn, they teach us democracy and humanity. These are not just double standards: it’s a complete degradation of human conscience and dignity,” he stressed.