Posted: 27.09.2024 14:14:00

Lukashenko on how to keep huge amount of information in head without AI

The ability to distinguish and use the necessary information and accumulated experience is an important quality for a leader – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko, when answering questions from young people during the Open Microphone with the President event, featuring university students of engineering and technical specialities


Answering a question from BSUIR student Nikita Prokofiev about whether it is difficult to be president with a huge amount of information in the head, and whether AI or gadgets help the Head of State, the Belarusian leader admitted that the most dangerous thing for president is to make a systemic mistake, “Why didn’t the head fall apart? It’s like a library shelf. Knowledge is all spread out [in the head], and every time you make a decision, going one way or another, you get information and experience from this shelf. This is very important in order to make the appropriate decision.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that when he received higher education in Soviet times, teachers taught students to analyse, “We were taught to choose the main things and systematise them. There must be a system. I’m talking about this in detail because it is very important for you, especially for engineers. It is necessary to analyse everything; nothing will work without analysis. Of course, the experience is also of great importance.”

The President said that he had recently appointed many relatively young heads and senior officials, and explained, “It is necessary that there are young people are in power, but I’m thinking about them going through some stages. My experience, my presidential life, allowed me to see these people in action. They grew up before my eyes. When I make appointments, I understand that this or that person has particular experience. Knowledge is necessary. It is the base, the foundation on which your experience rests.”

As for whether the Belarusian leader uses AI or gadgets, Aleksandr Lukashenko admitted that he closely monitors the development of technologies, but does not personally use them for security reasons.