Posted: 18.06.2024 17:21:00

Lukashenko instructed to set up working group to analyse NAS work

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed an order to set up a permanent working group to analyse the activities of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), reports with reference to the Head of State’s press service

The working group includes independent competent experts, reputable scientists with in-depth knowledge, high qualifications, and significant experience in the scientific field and the public administration system. Chairman of Belarus’ State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov has been appointed its head.

The working group will study the issues of practice-oriented and effectiveness of scientific research and development by NAS scientists, the introduction of developments in economic and social sectors, the development of import-substituting products and technologies, as well as the export of sci-tech goods.

If necessary, heads and specialists of republican government bodies and other organisations, specialised professionals in a particular field of science and practice will be involved.

Every year, by July 15th (this year — by November 1st), the working group will submit to the President a report on the results of its work and proposals for solving the identified problematic issues.

The State Committee for Science and Technology is responsible for ensuring the working group activities.