Posted: 27.09.2024 11:14:00

Lukashenko: information environment made us open, outspoken and vulnerable

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has met with students of the universities specialising in engineering and technical subjects, visiting the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics as part of the Open Microphone with the President campaign


The first meeting of the kind was held on September 2nd in Vitebsk, where the Belarusian leader communicated with students of the Vitebsk Region universities.

Before starting today's dialogue, Aleksandr Lukashenko shared some thoughts on the acute issues, “I am quite well informed about many processes in society. I know what training programmes are used in your study, I keep track of how the entrance campaigns and placement of graduates are organised. I am also generally aware of what you write, talk, and argue about. The information environment has made us all very open, outspoken and, unfortunately, vulnerable. You are the would-be specialists in information technology and electronics, so it’s no need to tell you how quickly the data of any person could be received and spread.”

The Head of State noted that those who personally entrust such information to gadgets are definitely aware that they are becoming not just subjects of relations in the information space, but objects. “I often receive sociological research data that aims to form a social portrait of the modern youth. However, I know that not a single document of the kind, not a single memo or report on topical issues of the youth policy will answer the main question: who will continue to build and develop our Belarus? That's why I have come here today. I think I will be able to visit other universities as well,” Aleksandr Lukashenko addressed those present.