Posted: 27.09.2024 13:27:00

Lukashenko: engineering industry is strategic direction that will determine Belarus’ future

The development of the engineering industry is a strategic direction for Belarus that will determine the future of our country – as noted by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during his today’s meeting with universities students of engineering and technical specialities, held in an open mic format

Addressing the youth, the Head of State said, “You are the future specialists of engineering and technical professions. I really want you to realise yourself in your profession, create families, become parents. All this will definitely happen. The main thing in this life path is for you to assess the situation globally, seeing the connection between domestic and foreign policy, and understanding the essence of the historical moment.”

According to the Belarusian leader, geopolitical competitors are doing everything to lead Belarus off the path to a new economic order.

“Sanctions, the struggle in the information field for our values, traditions, and historical memory take a lot of effort and resources. It’s true. But it is also true that we are still creating our own digital economy, implementing elements of the 6th and 7th technological structures. Smart cities, smart transportation, AI, drones, innovative manufacturing are the future that you will continue to build by becoming certified specialists. And this is a reality in which we have already succeeded quite well,” the Head of State accentuated.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that the developments of engineers from Planar, Integral, military industry enterprises, the Academy of Sciences, and university technoparks have already been introduced into production, are exported and are used even in the space sector.

“Anyway, there is also something to work on here. The tasks facing the industry are the most ambitious. I will repeat: we must carry out a sci-tech revolution in accelerated mode, so the development of the engineering industry is a strategic direction for us that will determine the future of Belarus. We can’t stop, let alone lag behind. That’s why we are investing and will continue to invest in the development of promising technical areas: robotics, nano-electronics, complex self-learning system, etc. Now we are planning to create high-tech incubators – centres of progressive thought – on the basis of specialised universities. They will be aimed at people like you — purposeful youngsters, with burning eyes, fresh ideas, unconventional views of solving scientific and applied problems. I think BSUIR should implement such a project, and we will support you.”

According to the President, engineers who will come directly to production facilities, factories and agricultural organisations tomorrow will also be supported.

“Decent working conditions, including wages, and social support will be a priority of our policy for the next five years. It is very important for me to understand how subtly you feel your responsibility for the future of the country, how well you are guided by the events and facts that form the international and domestic information agenda of today,” the Head of State emphasised.

Aleksandr Lukashenko admitted that during a recent open mic conversation with students of Vitebsk higher educational institutions, he was once again convinced that our children are the best, “We, adults, think all the time how to explain everything to you, but you see and understand a lot for yourself, making very correct and wise conclusions. That’s why I came to you, hoping for a frank conversation.”
