Posted: 27.09.2024 11:48:00

Lukashenko: Belarus’ peace initiatives absolutely do not contradict countermeasures to strengthen defence capability

Belarus' peace initiatives absolutely do not contradict countermeasures to strengthen its defence capability – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during his today’s meeting with students of universities specialising in engineering and technical subjects


The Head of State noted, “It is important that you understand why modern politicians talk so much about national interests, sovereignty, and statehood. If people lose all this, then they can dramatically drop from the status of citizens of a country to the level of dependents on a foreign state, become the labour force of a multinational business. Some may start living a rich life, but not everyone: most people’s life will deteriorate. We have experienced this in our history. That is why I talk a lot about social justice in the world. That is why we are working in this direction. Our peace initiatives absolutely do not contradict the countermeasures to strengthen our defence capability that we are forced to take today.”

According to the President, Belarusians need to respond to the current situation, predict further developments, and find adequate solutions. “Of course, you know that Belarus is strengthening its allied relations with Russia. It has become a full member of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, and all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership with China has been established. Our integration within the EAEU and the CIS is intensifying,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko urged young people to follow this agenda ‘since it will determine the vector of your future life, the lives of your children and grandchildren in the future’. “We are building long-term co-operation with the progressive world majority. You will have to continue this policy and fill it with new content, primarily in the economic direction,” the Head of State added.