Posted: 17.12.2021 09:09:00

Lithuania's possible ban on transit of goods from Belarus will not be ignored by Russia

This has been stated by the official representative of Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova – as reported by the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry


"We have received information about a possible ban on the transit of goods from Belarus through Lithuania with extreme concern. We are convinced it is a dead-end path since it may affect resourcing of the Kaliningrad Region, while negatively affecting the economy, social state and quality of life of people residing in this Russian region,” Ms. Zakharova commented.

The official added that ‘the above-mentioned restrictive measures, if adopted, will not remain without attention from Russia’. "We urge our partners not to follow the path of undermining economic ties, but to do everything possible to normalise the situation and fully fulfil Lithuania's international obligations to ensure Russian cargo transit to/from the Kaliningrad Region, in particular the 1993 Russian-Lithuanian intergovernmental agreement on international road transport and other agreements," Ms. Zakharova noted.