Posted: 27.09.2024 09:22:00

Kochanova: large-scale information work launched to discredit Belarus

Large-scale information work has been launched to discredit the republic – as noted by Natalya Kochanova, the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic, at a meeting with employees of the Republican Scientific-Practical Centre of Oncology and Medical Radiology

“The situation in the world, including around our country, is very difficult now,” Ms. Kochanova said. “The information space is full of fakes and lies. Large-scale information work has been launched to discredit Belarus. We are a peace-loving country, we do not threaten anyone, but we will have to defend it based on the current situation.”

Speaking about the international agenda, Ms. Kochanova noted that Belarus liaises closely with Russia and China, and it also establishes ties with the African continent. “Belarus now has quite a lot of friends and supporters,” she noted. “We must do everything to preserve peace, and peace can be preserved when we all understand that it is our common task. People should understand that we must be united in our desire to preserve sovereignty and independence, because this is a guarantee that we and our children will live here normally. No matter what good laws we adopt today and no matter what we decide at the state level, all issues depend on us. If a person works effectively and does what he has to, then there will be a result.”