Posted: 26.09.2024 09:21:00

Belarus’ Information Minister on importance of VIDEOBEL.BY platform

Next year, our country will hold presidential elections, for which not only we, but also our opponents are preparing. Therefore, it is important that we have the tools of our own influence – as noted by Belarus’ Information Minister Marat Markov during the Minsk-Moscow Union State live streaming, when sharing his view about the VIDEOBEL.BY platform

The Information Minister said that there had been talks in Belarus for a long time about the need to create our own tools that would not depend on foreign hosting, “TV channels work for the internal space, while the Internet resources that were created by our opponents – and today we can say including by our enemies – unfortunately depend on us to a lesser extent.”

According to Marat Markov, it is one thing if these are the channels of our ally, Russia, and it is quite another thing if the channels are in the hands of the West, those who run the information space.

“This situation had to be changed, and the Information Ministry dealt with this issue about a year ago — in a timely manner. Already now we see that our opponents have stopped being shy in choosing any means,” the official added.

According to him, the VIDEOBEL.BY platform will offer an archive of the most important political materials that anyone can view from anywhere in the world.

“It will not depend on YouTube, Instagram, or any other platform that can be turned off, and everything that we have accumulated on it will sink into oblivion. We are preparing for the presidential elections, but our opponents are doing the same, so we must have the tools of our own influence,” Marat Markov underlined.