Posted: 16.05.2024 10:52:00

Opinion: situation in global economy playing against US

The economy is behind all the political processes that we are currently witnessing in the global politics. This is primarily due to the attempts of the United States and its key allies, mainly the United Kingdom, to maintain dominance in the global financial and economic sphere – as noted by Aleksei Avdonin, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research.

“The economic situation is already playing against the US: high debts and difficulty in maintaining economic growth rates. All this suggests that the only way to maintain its hegemony is to intimidate all players on the world stage by force. Fuelling the conflict on the territory of Ukraine is another adventure and an attempt to intimidate the world through pressure on Belarus and Russia. We have come to the current situation when the West – realising its losing position – is frantically focusing on some chaotic actions: statements about sending their troops to Ukraine and even direct military clashes on its territory. Of course, in these conditions, the only deterrent for supporters of escalation will be the likelihood of using tactical nuclear weapons as a response to aggression,” the expert believes.