Posted: 18.05.2024 13:22:00

Szijjarto: Hungary blocked Council of Europe resolution on Ukraine

Hungary vetoed a Council of Europe resolution on Ukraine, as the draft document provided for the recognition of only one so-called peace plan of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy – as stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, TASS reports


After participating in the Council of Europe meeting in French Strasbourg, Mr. Szijjarto posted on his Facebook account, “Even today, the Council wanted to adopt a resolution in which it only wanted to recognise President Zelenskyy's peace plan – the Peace Formula – as the only one that should be considered and supported. This is unacceptable for us. Others have prepared peace plans, which are no worse than the Ukrainian President's one. I asked that we include the other peace plans in the resolution of the Council of Europe. This was rejected by the majority. That is why I vetoed it, so there was no Council resolution.”

The Hungarian politician is sure that ‘instead of weapons shipments and fantasising about nuclear war, we finally need real peace negotiations’. “Peace talks can only take place if all warring parties are sitting around the table,” he said.

Mr. Szijjarto also stressed that ‘the Council of Europe is now 75 years old, it could have been a great platform for creating peace, but after the expulsion of Russia, this opportunity was lost’.