Posted: 18.05.2024 17:22:00

Over thousand border guard soldiers took military oath

On May 18th, more than a thousand border guard recruits across the country solemnly read out the words of the military oath, reports with reference to Belarus’ State Border Committee

The Chairman of the State Border Committee, Major General Konstantin Molostov, personally congratulated the servicemen of the Lida border detachment on this important event. The event was also attended by representatives of local authorities and the clergy, as well as relatives and friends of the recruits. Over 70 border guard recruits swore allegiance to the Belarusian nation in Lida.

Speaking during the event, Konstantin Molostov noted that today’s guards of Belarusian borders are worthy successors of the heroic glory of frontline soldiers.

“It is deeply symbolic that you’re taking the oath on the eve of Border Guard Day and the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders. In recent years, a lot of work has been done to introduce the most modern technical means into the border protection system, equip border units and create decent conditions for personnel to serve. In any situation, the border guards of Belarus protect the peace and security of our people, our sovereign right to live and work freely on our land. We are reliably protecting our country and our borders,” the Chairman of the State Border Committee underlined

At the training facility of the Lida border detachment, most of the soldiers are from Gomel, Grodno and the Minsk Region.

As is traditional, the selection of recruits was carried out taking into account their civilian specialty. Due to this approach, the territorial bodies of the border service are equipped with specialists whose knowledge is relevant to the tasks assigned to border guards. Moreover, over half of the conscripts already have work experience or have received diplomas of secondary specialised or vocational education. Every third person has a driver’s license, which will be in demand while serving at the border.

After taking the military oath, soldiers will continue to master the specialty of Inspector of the Border Service under the guidance of officers and sergeants. Daily classes include fire, tactical, medical and drill training, the study of combined arms regulations, as well as the performance of various training qualification standards.

Special attention is paid to improving the physical fitness of border guards, with all the necessary conditions created for this: well-equipped modern sports grounds and gyms.

The training at the training facility will end with the passing of a comprehensive exam, after which the border guards will go to serve directly at frontier posts. Some of them will continue their training in narrow specialties: a dog handler, a driver, a master of technical means of border protection, a cook.